Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Open letter to women runners on behalf of your boobs,

There are things we put up with as runners. Black toenails. Chafing. Bunions. Unflattering tanlines. Shin splints, tendonitis, stress fractures. We make sacrifices, we push through pain and discomfort. We sacrifice sleep and happy hour to get in our daily runs, and we accomplish more before breakfast on Saturday than most people will all weekend. But there is one thing we do not have to put up with. Should not! And that is The Bounce. Do you know what running 5 days a week in a bad sports bra is doing to your girls? Or even 3 days? That constant bounce can break down the delicate tissue of your breasts, cause stretch marks, and do you really want your boobs sagging to your waist? You might think you’re not big enough, or sports bras are too constricting, or too expensive, or too ugly. But ladies, there is no reason to abuse your girls like that. For women, a good sports bra is equally as important as a good pair of running shoes. You don’t skimp where your feet are concerned do you? No! Then why oh why are you skimping where your boobs are concerned? On behalf of breasts everywhere I implore you – stop what you’re doing, and get your tits to the nearest specialty running store and buy a good sports bra. If you’re more blessed than the rest of us, then it might take a bit more work but there are places for you. If you’re in Austin where we’re located go right now to Petticoat Fair. They specialize in custom fitting of women’s intimate apparel, including sports bras. A friend of Slightly Inappropriate Mantras started running once they fit her GG boobs into a comfortable, fitted, supportive sports bra. They even altered it for her!

A good sports bra will have straps wider than a spaghetti strap. If you’re bigger than a B cup you need a sports bra that does not pull on over your head. You want one with hook and eyes that cinch you up tight. I shy away from sports bras with Velcro straps because I find they cause chafing on any run over 5 miles, but some ladies like the customization (and maybe don’t sweat like a spigot like me). Your bra should be snug enough that there is zero bounce when you run. Yes it’s possible to get this in a bra that still allows you to breath. And not all sports bras are going to work for all women, even if you’re the same size, so try several brands and styles out until you find the one that works for you. Because when you find that bra that feels like it was made for your girls, you will rejoice. And you’ll never abuse your boobs in a badly fitting sports bra ever again.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this blog and info. I sometimes wear 2 sportsbras to help with support, but sometimes get lazy with just one. But now I know where I can go for more help and more selection. Thx!
